Introduction to using Widgets
Widgets can be found under Appearance Button. Have a quick glance at this video to see what’s in the Widget’s Page.
Widgets are the items located on the sidebar of your site. To manage your widgets, go to the Appearance tab and select “Widgets”. Under available widgets, you can see all the widgets you can put on your site. Each one is listed by name along with the basic description. On the right side of the screen there are various areas to place your widgets. Use your cursor to drag and drop widgets to the side bar. You can organize this as you see fit. Clicking the drop down arrow will bring up options for the widget. Depending on the widget you will have more or less options. Clicking close will close the options without saving it and delete will delete them. Clicking save will save the settings for this widget. If you wish to get rid of a widget but save its current settings, drag it in under the inactive widgets. You can restore the widget at any time just by dragging it back. Clicking the screen options at the top of the page will give you a choice to enable accessibility mode. This just offers you a different way in managing your widgets. You can be activated at any time by going back to screen options and heading disable accessibility mode. Once you are done, click your sites name in the admin bar to view your changes.